Submission Categories for Language Bridge Academic Journal

Language Bridge Academic Journal invites submissions in the following categories. All listed word counts exclude references, tables, and end materials unless stated otherwise:

1. Feature Articles

We welcome submissions of two types of feature articles, both emphasizing strong connections between theory, research, and practice and relevance to global English language teaching and learning contexts. Each feature article must include an abstract of 150–200 words.

Empirical Feature Article

  • Word Count: 5,000–7,000 words
  • Description: Manuscripts in this category report data-driven studies informed by a robust theoretical framework. Research methodologies may include qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, or others, with a clear focus on pedagogical implications.
  • Section Editors: Dr. Chiaramonte

Conceptual Feature Article

  • Word Count: 2,500–5,000 words
  • Description: Manuscripts offer insights into practical strategies, techniques, approaches, or methods informed by theoretical or conceptual perspectives. Examples include instructional strategies rooted in motivation theory or techniques that support task engagement.
  • Section Editors: TBD

2. Research Briefs

  • Formats: 2,000-word manuscript
  • Description: This section offers concise summaries of research areas or ongoing empirical studies. Submissions from graduate students, early-career researchers, and teacher-researchers are highly encouraged. Formats include:
    • Empirical study summaries
    • Current literature reviews
    • Interviews with scholars in TESOL
  • Section Editors: TBD

3. Emerging Issues in TESOL Today

  • Word Count: 1,500–2,000 words
  • Description: Manuscripts should explore significant emerging issues in TESOL with local and global pedagogical or policy implications. Submissions should provide clear analysis and discussion informed by relevant literature, linking to ongoing debates and theories. Topics include, but are not limited to, multiliteracies, teacher preparation, technology-enhanced learning, multimodality, and assessment.
  • Section Editor: TBD

4. Classroom Explorations

  • Word Count: 1,200–1,400 words
  • Description: A forum for ESL/EFL educators and learners to share personal perspectives, experiences, challenges, and successes. Articles should include a theoretical, conceptual, or research basis briefly outlined in the introduction. Hyperlinks and multimedia resources may be embedded for additional context. Preference is given to articles emphasizing student voice, innovative pedagogy, and creative approaches to teaching.
  • Section Editor: TBD

5. Media Reviews

  • Word Count: 1,000–1,500 words
  • Description: Reviews of books and technological resources relevant to TESOL and pedagogy are invited. Submissions should connect to theoretical frameworks and global TESOL classroom practices. Media reviews should include a critical evaluation of the reviewed material and are limited to a maximum of 5 references.
  • Note: Language Bridge Academic Journal does not accept unsolicited media reviews. Prior permission from publishers must be secured for any images or materials used.
  • Section Editor: TBD

6. Reader’s Forum

  • Word Count: 100–300 words
  • Description: Responses to previously published articles that offer additional evidence, critique theoretical frameworks, suggest alternative interpretations, or comment on research findings. Submissions should be well-reasoned and add value to the discourse initiated by the original article.

For more information on submission guidelines, please visit our website or contact us via email.

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